
The Birthday Message On The 3rd Floor



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The inspiration, following a successful night of intimacy of my parents in the 90’s a seed was planted by Mr. Amu Snr and God been so good it manifested into a a great person today.

Although an Ewe all my life have been on Fante speaking lands; Saltpond (Place of birth), Mankesim, Bremen Asikuma and Sekondi-Takoradi (the twin city). Having settled in the twin-city in 1999 life started picking up even though I wasn’t all that matured enough, a different environment, a different vibe, different way of life compared to the other three (3) places we’ve stayed. Life started in the twin city from basic 3 up to tertiary so all my life I can say has been in the twin city, so I really know much when it comes to anything business, entertainment, sports and so on in this Region.

Fast forward, after tertiary my brother’s friend introduced me to a business that has got to do with sales and marketing of which I really had no idea simply because of the program I read at then Takoradi Polytechnic, I never gave any excuse because the system in Ghana, as at then, how dare you not to enter a job of which at least at the end of the month or at the end of every contract you’d get something to feed on.

Through this job I had the opportunity to sit with top bosses heading well known organizations in Ghana but I never boasted of it anyway. I remember way back 2015, having watched Elloeny Amanda every Mondays on TV3 Sports since Secondary School time I had the opportunity to shake His hand and what happened after I introduced myself still baffles me.

The struggles, they came. Would not say all has been rosy. Way back in 2016 I had a shock of my life, to that point I almost felt like this is my last day on earth. But always I’ll be indebted to the Presbyterian Church Of Ghana, in 2009 after Secondary School we had to carry out a confirmation class and my lifetime text given read; “In view of all these, what then can we say; if God be for us who can be against us”   Romans 8:31 

This text has lived with me and has been my trump card all this years. Today, I’m very grateful to the Lord for the journey of which it will be shared later in details.

The day started at 4:15am with a prayer. But during the prayer all I said was: Thank You Lord, thank you Lord. Reminiscing on the journey, how it started, the bigger vision and how people do get me wrong. As usual, on days like this, you’re the champion of the day. The wishes, the gifts, the word of prayer, the great advice and the many more came.

To end with, the Lord we serve works in mysterious ways. He knows you before you were born. I’m not lucky more than anyone but one thing I’m most grateful for is the opportunity to see the sun everyday. Life. Many are gone but I’m still here and kicking, meaning the Lord is not done with me yet. A lot to learn, a lot to be thankful of. Don’t loose focus. Clinch on to the God you’re serving.

Happy Birthday Kobby!

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