The Ghanaian outcry against illegal mining, known locally as “galamsey,” shows a significant public and governmental response. Recently, protests organized by the Democracy Hub under the...
Today, on September 25, 2024, the global community celebrates World Pharmacists Day with the theme Pharmacists: “Meeting Global Health Needs.” This theme underscores the pivotal role...
The University of Ghana has postponed the commencement of its 2024/2025 academic year due to strike actions by various staff groups, including unions like the Teachers...
President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana has reiterated his commitment to ensuring that the 2024 elections in Ghana will be free, fair, and transparent. This assurance was...
The Managing Director of Electricity Company of Ghana, Samuel Dubik Mahama tendered his resignation to the Board Chairman of ECG, formally announced on September 24, 2024....
Newly promoted Serie A football club Como achieved a historic victory by defeating Atalanta 3-2 in Serie A, marking their first win in the top flight...
In August 2023, Ta’Kiya Young, a pregnant Black woman, was fatally shot by police during an incident described as a shoplifting confrontation. This event led to...
Kwaku Manu, a Ghanaian actor and media personality, was recently seen driving a Tesla Cybertruck. This event was highlighted on social media, showcasing his experience with...
Multiple protesters, including notable figures like lawyer Ama Governor and media personality Felicity Nelson, have been arrested during demonstrations under the themes #ReoccupyJulorbiHouse and #StopGalamseyNow. These...
The Democracy Hub protesters who took to the streets last Saturday, 21st September 2024 to demand for accountability from government officials have been remanded into custody...