President John Dramani Mahama embarked on a peace mission to Bawku and Nalerigu on January 14, 2025, aiming to address the long-standing conflict in these areas. His visit was part of efforts to engage with conflicting factions and key stakeholders to promote dialogue and foster lasting peace.
Mahama met with the Bawku Naaba, Zug-raan Asigri Abugrago Azoka II, and the overlord of the Mamprugu traditional area, Nayiiri Bohagu Abdulai Mahami, to discuss security and peace initiatives. He also held meetings with top security chiefs in Accra before heading to Bawku, emphasizing his administration’s commitment to resolving the conflict.
President Mahama assured the residents of Bawku that his administration would prioritize their security concerns. He promised key security appointments within the week to address the ongoing crisis, underlining his commitment by stating that these new appointees would make Bawku one of their top priorities. This includes roles like the Minister of Defense, National Security Advisor, and others.
The visit has been viewed positively by some, with security analysts like Colonel Festus Aboagye (Rtd) suggesting that it sends a strong message to conflicting parties to exercise caution and prioritize peace. The National Peace Council also described Mahama’s visit as critical for achieving lasting peace in Bawku.
The peace mission comes in the context of recent events, including an attack on a truck in Walewale, which highlights the ongoing insecurity in the region. Mahama’s visit was also set against the backdrop of his campaign promises to resolve the Bawku conflict if elected, indicating a continuation of efforts to bring stability to the region.
This mission reflects a broader vision for a united Ghana, where disputes are settled through diplomacy and mutual understanding. However, the effectiveness of these engagements will depend on the follow-through of the promises made and the cooperation of all involved parties.
July 18, 2024 at 11:48 am
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August 6, 2024 at 9:47 am
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